Taxin Co. began its activity in 1963 in the field of auto parts distribution. It started to supply the auto parts directly to final consumers by eliminating the dealers with the concern of improving the efficiency of auto parts market. This approach helped us in making taxi drivers more satisfied due to concurrency of competitive price and qualified auto part together. Up to now, Taxin stores and garages have served more than 70,000 taxi drivers successfully.
Taxin market research team found a necessary but unanswered need in auto service market. Better to say, taxi drivers have various unique characteristics that lead to successful performance provided that they are responded in a comprehensive way.
Almost all taxi drivers are on this idea that the sole source of their income or a huge percentage of their earnings is from their automobiles and they spend the large share of this earnings to amend their automobiles. Therefore, they are intensively strict regarding the services as well as the products they receive and the money they spend. For this, the majority of garages and auto part suppliers are reluctant in serving this segment. Hence, Taxin found it as a blue ocean and profitable. It has provided valuable solutions for every concern of this segment through professional backing using strong decisions and experienced clear headed staffs.
Taxin solution for the price sensenvity was to enhance value chain by eliminating the dealers from the chain and working directly with manufactures resulting in 40 percent decrease in auto part prices. Furthermore, for solving the concern of repair service quality, Taxin has made benefit of specialization approach. The result of these proper strategies has been proven through the continuous increase in the number of clients, the fame of Taxin among taxi drivers and their real satisfaction.
Besides these solutions, Taxin set plans and discounts that all help it in creating favorable experience for taxi drivers and 80 percent penetration rate for Taxin. This means customer satisfaction, successful performance and the necessity for business expansion in order to be able to respond to noticeable demand. So, Taxin has founded 5 branches in Tehran and some other provinces of Iran to cover taxi drivers’ demand.
At last, the main goal of Taxin Co. is to create fundamental evolution in auto part market through planning long term cooperation with high quality manufacturers and suppliers which will help in realizing bigger goals and be trusted by all stakeholders such as customers, suppliers and employees.
Hossein Midari